Put some spin on it

Published 9:08 am Monday, July 6, 2009

By By Chandler Myers
Hitting a ball back-and-forth with a paddle sounds like it could be repetitive, but for seniors at the Atmore SAIL center the game of table tennis is the most fun game they have a chance to play at the Senior Olympics Masters Games.
The fun part of the game for the seniors is the speed that comes with it because it requires constant movement.
Jean Wilson finished second at the district Masters Games and plans to compete in the state competition in Florence in October.
She said that the constant body movement is something that draws her into the game.
Jean Wilson’s husband ,Charles, did not place at the district games, but said he enjoyed playing table tennis anyway.
Wilson said he went out and did his best, but had trouble keeping up with action from time to time.
Aside from the fun that comes with table tennis, there is a challenge associated that experienced players are able to overcome.
Ron Weinmann finished second at the district games and used his experience gained in the U.S. Navy to place so well.
Weinmann said he has a love for playing table tennis, but added he wishes he could have found a way to finish first.
Jean Wilson did not gain her experience from playing in the Navy, but from having a family.
Wilson said she learned to enjoy table tennis by playing with her sons.
As for the state games in Florence, Weinmann and Jean Wilson are going to play at the chance to be named the best in Alabama.
Weinmann said he is going up to Florence to try and win, but sees a roadblock in his path.
Wilson said she is going to win, but is just happy to play the game.
Not too shabby for a game that consists of hitting a ball back-and-forth across a net.

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