Tullis elected tribal chairman

Published 8:13 pm Wednesday, June 13, 2001

Advance Staff Writer
Eddie Tullis again takes the helm as chairman of the Poarch Creek Tribal Council. Tullis had previously served as chairman for 23 years.
At Sunday's council meeting, the first since the June 2 election, Fred McGhee stepped down as tribal chairman, having lost his bid for re-election to the council.
When Acting Chairman Buford Rolin called for nominations for the chairman's position, Mal McGhee nominated Rolin who declined to accept.
Carolyn Rackard nominated Mal McGhee who also declined. McGhee, who manages Muskogee Metal Works, a Creek Indian Enterprise, declined on the basis that he has several projects under way at MMW and in deferrence to his family.
Tim Ramer nominated Tullis. John A. McGhee seconded. Rolin called three times for futher nominations. When none were forthcoming and no objections were heard, Tullis was elected by acclamation.
For the office of secretary, Amy Bryan nominated Mal McGhee who declined this nomination also. Ramer nominated Rackard and Bryan nominated Ronnie Jackson. Jackson won the office.
For the office of treasurer, Jackson nominated Mal McGhee who accepted the nomination. With no other nominations, McGhee was elected by acclamation.
The face of the Poarch Creek Tribal Council changed drastically following the last election. Incumbents David Gehman, Lavan Martin, Fred McGhee, Pearline McGhee and Terri Watkins lost their bids for re-election.
Amy Bryan, John A. McGhee, Mal McGhee, Carolyn Rackard and Tim Ramer were elected to those positions.
Fred McGhee conducted Sunday's meeting through old business on the agenda, but Vice Chairman Buford Rolin acted as chairman when the agenda moved to new business.
Following a swearing in ceremony conducted by Judge Earnie White, the five new council members took their places at the table.
The first order of business was a discussion of the chairman's salary and method of payment. The range is $19 an hour to $30 an hour. Since several new tribal members were not sure of the chairman's duties or time involved, the council voted unanimously to leave the salary as is, $21 an hour plus benefits, pending further discussion.
Before leaving the table, outgoing council members made brief remarks.
Fred McGhee thanked the general council for his election last year and thanked the council for the opportunity to serve as tribal chairman. In particular, he thanked Eddie Tullis, Buford Rolin, Stephanie Rolin and Jason Rackard for their assistance during his term.
Lavan Martin wished the incoming council all the best and offered his assistance.
Terri Watkins said she had learned a lot as a council member and wished the new council luck.
David Gehman thanked the general council. He said it had been a tremendous honor and privilege to serve.
He challenged the new council to broaden the tribe's horizons, particularly in economic development.
Pearline McGhee said she had enjoyed serving the tribe.

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