Remember, America is made up of myriad cultures
Published 9:00 am Wednesday, June 19, 2013
What is America to the whole world? Is it not one nation that represents trust, honor, wisdom, power, strength, freedom, exceptionalism and justice (operative word), and liberty? It is indeed all those blessings showered down on America by a Mighty God, who created all flesh in his image. Not everyone in America looks like me. Although, DNA testing has proven I am Native American (Taino-Awawak) I look like my Norwegian gene pool. I also have Hollander, Scottish and Basque in my gene pool. That is why I love the bagpipes (Scotland), growing things (Holland), Clannish (Basque) and Viking lore (Norway)! Guess what? All of it is good, and very good, as it was bestowed on me from Heaven. What’s the point? The absolute point is that we are all different in America. We have successfully, for the most part, combined myriad cultures to come up with greatness, and the best of each.
In the Tiano culture, feathers mean a great deal. Things like power, honor and strength from the birds are woven into our very spirits by whom? God Himself. Why on earth do you think God chose an eagle to represent America, in lieu of the Turkey that was suggested? He wanted our eyes, as a country, to be excellent seeing far and wide. He wanted us to be shadowed with sings, such that we cover the whole world, spreading the Good News, benevolence with the blessings He gave s, and Power to protect those who were too weak to do it themselves. Indeed, He did not choose an Eagle to represent our nation on a fluke. So, too, the Native Americans do not revere the Eagle Feather, on a fluke.
It appears the only one there that really gets the heart of the matter is, none other than the bodacious young Native American, Chelsey Ramer. She is a 17-year-old woman who is so proud of her heritage that she wanted to wear an Eagle Feather such that she would invite the smiles of Heaven above, and her culture on earth on this great educational achievement. Oh, my and what did you do? In your gargantuan ignorance, rigidity, smallmindedness, you stole her joy, which is so wrong, I can’t seem to find the adequate words for your horrible error in judgment. Your judgment stinks, and hers is absolutely thrilling. Her judgment is what makes my nation great I think you should take your fine and donate it to her for her college education. Apologize to that lovely young mind.
You should have brought disgrace to yourselves, and your school district, and your state, and your country.
I am petitioning our holy god, on my knees, as we speak, that there be no rest on Heaven or on earth, until this travesty of justice is righted.
Carol Bullock Clemmons
Augusta, Ga.