Oil spill could spell disaster for Gulf
Published 1:02 pm Wednesday, May 5, 2010
The ever-growing “oil slick “ in the northern waters of the Gulf of Mexico could completely fill the entire Gulf from Louisiana to western Florida.
That’s what we are being told by the authorities that are following this potential catastrophe.
But I have not read what will happen if that oil is still there in the event a hurricane develops and comes this way. Will that vortex suck it up, carry it along and spew it over in its path? Or will it slow down and maybe dissolve the storm?
As you know a hurricane is a “mighty force” and can bring unbelievable disaster. It could conceivably be a double disaster if it scoops up this petroleum and sprays it on our homes and businesses along the coast.
One thing for sure is the fact that plenty of cleanup work should be available.
This will be a big economic factor in reducing the employment rate if the cleanup work pay is as lucrative as the 1989 Alaskan Exxon Valdez event. Workers could look forward to some big paychecks. Eleven million gallons of oil emptied into that body of water following a ship hitting objects in its path. Workers were kept busy for months, but even today residents of that state still feel the lingering effects of it.
And now for some current news. Alabama politics has taken a front seat on the national scene this week.
President Obama has been raked over the coals for his late actions on the oil spill and Tim James has spoken out early saying “in Alabama we speak English,” referring to using the English language when applying for state drivers licenses.
It is too early tell if James, the son of wealthy former Gov. Fob James, will benefit from this statement in his race for governor of the State of Alabama. Some national pundits, even Alabama’s own Paul Finebaum, have criticized his statement, saying it is a negative reflection on our state and it may thwart his chances to draw industry to Alabama if he is indeed elected.
James, who is running on a “businessman” platform, should have considered the business community of our state. Perhaps, he knew exactly what he was doing, knowing this would prove beneficial in his efforts to gather more votes.
But, give him credit for his business accomplishments. He was responsible for building the Expressway Toll Road leading to a shorter route to Orange Beach. And, I read where he has played important roles in other successful state business endeavors.
One thing for sure, his remarks have soared all over the Internet, especially on “YouTube.” The Web site al.com has carried numerous articles, pro and con, on his statement.
Now, I wonder if “Big Jim Folsom” could get away with a statement like this today. I believe he could.
Back in the 1940s and 1950s he was known for making many statements, usually reflecting a “laid back” southern image. I remember during one of his campaigns here in town he took a seat on the sidewalk, pulled off one of his shoes and told a large crowd “y’all come and vote for me on Election Day.” That style of politicking paid off as he won that election going away.
Now, about Obama. Some national pundits quickly emphasized that he was late responding to the oil slick disaster. The President did fly down to Louisiana this weekend and pledged help to combat the mushrooming disaster. Comparison was drawn to President Bush who some said was late responding to Hurricane Katrina.
Questions about British Petroleum’s slow response to the situation must also be considered. As a matter of concern, we learn that several from the Atmore area make their living with charter boats and commercial fishing in this plagued area. It would be a shame to see these businessmen submerged by this disaster.
That’s enough politics.
I want to tell you now about Internet television. Some simply pass this off as nonsense with little or no interest so I have now stopped talking about this new concept. But, I have written about it several times and have heard from several readers who want to learn more about IPTV.
It is much the same way that computers frighten many because they know nothing about them and are, apparently, not aware that we are living in a computer age. Little do they realize “all doubt is removed” when they belittle the importance of the role of computers. They fail to realize that a computer is not even required in this new TV concept.
So, these short statements are intended for those with foresight and a desire to cut back cost on watching their TVs. This is an incredible breakthrough. And, it will begin full force before this year ends.
I have researched it and have actually begun using it in my home. It all boils down to reducing expensive cable and satellite fees. This new method will allow you to watch TV streamed directly to your TV or to a “set top box” via the Internet and eliminating TV programs you don’t want. These are the same programs you watch now. Those not using DSL Internet may not find this a big cost saving. But your savings would be somewhat less compared to what you are paying now. If you have DSL Internet you will be able to watch TV for no monthly payment at all.
Those wanting more information can email me and I’ll give you Internet sources that will provide complete information on it.
Next week we will take a look at news of people, places and event from the year 1966.
Lowell McGill is a historical columnist for The Atmore Advance. He can be reached at exam@frontiernet.net.