EA top students gearing up for college

Published 11:18 am Monday, May 24, 2010

Perry Jones is the valedictorian for Escambia Academy's Class of 2010. | Submitted Photo

Two more outstanding young men are making their way into the adult world following graduation at Escambia Academy Thursday night.

Valedictorian Perry Jones and Salutatorian Wade Matthews have big plans beginning today.

Perry Jones, son of Mitch and Tammy Jones, said he hopes to be producing motion pictures and movies in New York in the coming years.

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“I plan to go to Auburn University and pursue a double major in international business and theatre production,” Jones said. “I will hopefully be a movie producer in New York City in the future.”

Wade Matthews, son of Hooper and Diane Matthews, has lofty dreams, but in a different direction.

“I will be attending Auburn University to study aerospace engineering,” Matthews said. “In 20 years, if I’m not working for a big company, I hope to have my own business in the aerospace industry.”

Jones has been a member of the Scholar’s Bowl, Student Government Association, Math Club, Beta Club and a class officer during his junior and senior years.

“Most of the awards I’ve received have been academic excellency awards,” Jones said. “I’m also active in the community and have been honored through those groups.”

Jones has been a member of the Youth Leadership Atmore class, Chamber Ambassadors and has performed in productions of the Greater Escambia Council of the Arts, Brewton Community Theatre and Pensacola Little Theatre.

Matthews has also received academic awards in the form of scholarships and top student awards during his school years. He has been a member of the Scholar’s Bowl, Beta Club, Student Government Association and Math team. His sporting activities included being a member of the football, basketball and baseball teams as well as track and cross-country teams.

“I have received some academic scholarships this year,” Matthews said. “I also earned the Hustle Award for baseball.”

Although the pair graduated along with 15 of their classmates Thursday night, Jones and Matthews say they are taking wonderful memories with them as they leave Escambia Academy.

“I’ve been here for 14 years,” Jones said. “I’ve enjoyed going here and watching people grow into who they are now. I’ll miss seeing certain people everyday.”

Matthews said he knows he will miss the closeness and support he has enjoyed at EA.

“I know I’ll miss my friends and sports here,” Matthews said. “I’ve had teachers and coaches that have inspired me here. I have enjoyed the one-on-one that I’ve had with teachers and the fact that they could give us a lot of individual attention. I know that’s not going to happen in college. I’ll miss that.”

Jones and Matthews each had comments to leave for those who are following in their footsteps at the school. For in-coming seniors, each gave words of advice.

“Next year’s seniors need to enjoy their time here,” Jones said. “Make the best of every situation and you’ll be fine.”

Making the most of senior year was a thought Matthews echoed in his comments.

“Savor every moment,” Matthews said. “I looked forward to graduation, but it might be the last time you see some of your friends. Make the most of everything you can.”

Wade Matthews is the salutatorian for Escambia Academy's Class of 2010. | Submitted Photo