BOE approves camera bid

Published 12:02 am Wednesday, February 27, 2019

The Escambia County School board approved a more-than $731,000 bid from Information Transport Solutions for a video surveillance system in the schools at its meeting on Feb. 21.

Superintendent John Knott said the system has been working on this initiative for about a year.

“We did a lot of research in trying to determine what the minimum that we needed to do the job across the county,” Knott said. “The bid ($731,234.95) would install new up-to-date video surveillance systems in all of our schools. It would expand our coverage area in all schools, and coverage in all inside areas, including classrooms.

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“Some schools we have cameras in classes and some we don’t,” he said.

Knott said the addition of surveillance equipment was needed because of the system’s safety initiative and for upgrades.

“A lot of the camera systems we have now are real old and antiquated,” he said. “They’re no longer available, so we had to buy systems. This would bring us up to par.”

Knott added that he worked with a lot of law enforcement, which provided feedback on the camera system as far as safety is concerned.

In regard to funding of the surveillance system, Knott said the education technology enhancement funds that were released last year will go toward this project.

“We received around $228,000 on that,” he said. “We’ll start this system using those funds. We’ve also got some grants that we’re looking to hear back from for additional funding. As soon as the legislative body approves educational technology enhancement funds this year, which will be more than last year, we’ll use that money.”

Knott added he hopes that a roadmap, or phases, for the use of these funds will be continuous as each school’s surveillance is updated.

Knott said eventually, every school, along with the board of education offices in Atmore and Brewton, will have new surveillance equipment installed.

In other business, the board:

• approved the 2019-2020 school calendar;

• approved the sale of surplus busses, vehicles and equipment;

• approved the SchoolStatus program for data analytics and communication for $39,600; and,

• approved a Wide Area Network mini bid to Information Transport Solutions for $201,600. The mini bid is for a 48-month term beginning July 1, 2019, and is contingent on E-rate funding.

The board approved the following personnel recommendations:


• Yolonda Walters, as science teacher at Escambia County Alternative School, effective Feb. 15;

• Holly Pettis, as assistant softball coach at W.S. Neal High School, effective Jan. 25;

• Kelli Grace, as varsity cheerleader sponsor at W.S. Neal High School, effective Jan. 28;


• Dan Walton, as HVAC/electrician specialist, at Atmore Maintenance Department, effective April 1;


• Albert Grassia, technology technician at technology department, effective Feb. 25;

• Kelsy Massicotte, as elementary teacher at Rachel Patterson, effective Jan. 14;

• Gary Kevin Knowles, as substitute lead teacher/teacher, dependent car/Title 1 After School program, at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Feb. 22;

• Heather Kirkland, as substitute lead teacher/teacher, dependent car/Title 1 After School program, at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Feb. 22;

• Melanie Kent, as substitute lead teacher/teacher, dependent car/Title 1 After School program, at Pollard McCall Junior High School, effective Feb. 22;

Employment Change

• Carrie Denson, as instructional teacher aide, Title 1 After School Program, to community educator, Dependent Care After School program, at Pollard McCall, effective Feb. 1; and,

• Jennifer Hall, lead teacher, Title 1 After School Program, to community educator, Dependent Care After School program, at Pollard McCall, effective Feb. 1.