AFD, APD roof leaks addressed
Published 6:24 am Wednesday, January 16, 2002
News Editor
After suspected roof leaks caused annoyances over the Christmas holidays in the Fire and Police Department buildings, Mayor Howard Shell announced Monday that the city had spent $6,000 to repair the problem.
Shell said that older water lines were the cause for the leaks.
Shell said that the lines had become corroded which caused them to leak.
Shell also announced that Bayfire Industries currently is doing work on one of the city's Fire Department trucks.
The truck is having its pump repaired. While the truck is out of service, Bayfire has loaned a truck to the AFD.
Councilman John Watkins said that he believes a lease program could be a more cost-efficient endeavor for the city's fire trucks.
Shell agreed, but believed that the city should look at other options as well.
The AFD will also be implementing pre-fire plans for local businesses, something the mayor says that due to insurance policies should already be in place. Mayor Shell said however that he was thankful for AFD Chief Gerry McGhee's initiative in this project.
The businesses pre-fire inventory and plans will include information on locations of electrical and gas shut-off valves and inventories of combustible gases located in the buildings. AFD officials will be conducting on site inspections and inventories of local businesses, however a timeline was not decided upon.
Atmore Animal Control officer Rhonda Kelmer gave the council an update on her department's business for the year.
According to Kelmer, the shelter received 569 animals last year, including 334 captured by the city and 235 brought in from the county. They also repsonded to 2,613 calls.
Kelmer said that there is still much to be done at the Animal Shelter.
Other items discussed at the meeting included:
Mediacom has announced it will be raising rates for it's cable service (See story, this page).
The Annual Ladies of Essence Mardi Gras parade permit was approved by the council.
The accounts payable were approved, as well as the minutes from the last meeting.
Robert Hawkins was recognized for his service to the city. Hawkins is retiring from the Escambia County Natural Resources and Conservation Service.
A real estate mortgage note issued in 1985 was settled
Resolution 2002-03, authorizing the mayor and clerk to enter into lease agreements on properties owned by the city was authorized.
A lounge liquor license application for Andrew Stabler, Stablers Country Club Lounge, was tabled until the next meeting.
Councilman John Garrard congratulated J. Kelly Brown on being selected as citizen of the year.
The mayor made mention of the Syracuse 36502 program, and encouraged community members to join a team. for more information, contact Terri Godwin at the YMCA at 368-9622.