Relay for Life today at Tom Byrne Park
Published 11:27 am Saturday, April 30, 2011
Today promises to bring some fun to a serious subject when Relay for Life teams gather at Tom Byrne Park in Atmore to finalize this year’s fundraising events.
Relay for Life – Racing for a Cure is scheduled to begin at 3 p.m. with opening ceremonies. City dignitaries will gather and Brother Ray Ward, of Friendly Holiness Church, will bless the event. The day’s events are as follows:
• 3:15 p.m.–Survivor Lay followed by Children’s Lap, Caretaker Lap and Team Lap.
• 3:30 p.m.–Survivor Reception will follow opening ceremonies, Regular Laps will begin and there will be a Balloon Release/Western Auto fundraiser.
• 4 p.m.–Poarch Creek Dance Troupe on state.
• 4:30 p.m.–Karoke open mic running throughout the night. The night will start off with the Soapbox Derby qualifying lap. Make soapbox out of cardboard or other lightweight materials; hand them from suspenders or even on the head. $100 Spirit Bucks per vehicle; top five go to round two. All teams may participate.
• 4:45 p.m.–Lap of Champions featuring sports team of choice. $50 Spirit Bucks for each showing colors, $100 to the winner.
• 5 p.m. –Team photos.
• 5:30 p.m. –1960/1970 Lap; $50 Spirit Bucks to every person who shows their peaceful, loving side; $100 Spirit Bucks for the winner of this lap. One team is exempt from this lap.
• 5:45 p.m.–So You Think You Can Dance-Round One, Top 5 move to Round Two. $100 Spirit Bucks go to each team that participates. All teams may participate.
• 6 p.m.–Gator wrestlin’. One team is exempt from this event. $100 Spirit Bucks to each team that participates. All teams may participate.
• 6:30 p.m.–Redneck Lap; end up on stage for “Best Mullet” contest. $100 for all rednecks; $500 for winning Mullet. One team is exempt from this lap.
• 7 p.m. –1980s Lap; ladies with big hair on stage with guys in a Sonny Crocket lookalike contest. $100 for each head of big hair and Sonny Crockett lookalike; winning hair gets $200 Spirit Bucks and Crocket gets $500 Spirit Bucks. One team is exempt form this lap.
• 7:30 p.m.–Round two of the So You Think You Can Dance. $200 Spirit Bucks for each of the Top 5; $1,000 Spirit Bucks for the winning team.
• Relay Fashion Show. $100 Spirit Bucks to each “model”; $500 Spirit Bucks to the winner. All teams may participate.
• Silly Hat Lap. $50 Spirit Bucks for each hat. $100 Spirit Bucks to winner of lap. One team is exempt from this lap.
• 9 p.m.–Luminaire Ceremony.
• 9:30 p.m.–Rockin’ Relay Lap-wear past Relay shirts. $500 Spirit Bucks for oldest Relay shirt (from Relay other than Atmore), $500 for oldest Atmore Relay shirt, and $1,000 Spirit Bucks for team with all 12 Relay shirts (shirts can be team, survivor or committee shirts) All teams may participate.
• 9:45 p.m.–Soapbox Derby Finals. $200 Spirit Bucks to top five; $1,000 Spirit Bucks to the winner.
• 10 p.m. – Celebrate Ceremony
• 10:30 p.m. –Team songs. All teams may participate. $500 to each team with a song; $1,000 for best song.
• 10:45 p.m.–Revenge of the Nerds Lap. One team is exempt from this lap. $50 Spirit Bucks for each nerd; $100 Spirit Bucks to the winner.
• 11 p.m.–Event Awards. Best Cancer Facts, Best Team Song, Best Spirit Stick, Cheapest Campsite, Best Campsite, Best On-line Fundraiser Team/Individual, Spirit Award, Golden Pillowcase Rookie of the Year (team), Volunteer of the Year, and Top Fundraiser.
• 12-6 a.m.–Join together as one group and continue activities and games throughout the night.
• 6 a.m.–Breakfast and then go home.
Smoking is not allowed at this event. Smokers are asked to smoke at vehicle in parking lot or another location away from the event.