Everything I thought I knew I've had to learn again
Published 7:45 am Wednesday, July 23, 2003
By By Connie Nowlin Managing Editor
Just about the time you think you are in charge of your own life, something throws you a curve ball of the cosmic type.
Call it fate, or destiny or God's will, but it will knock you for a loop of enormous proportions.
For example, about two years ago, I was sure I knew where I was going, what I was supposed to be doing with the second 1/3 of my life. You know, the years when the kids are big enough to not need supervision 24 hours a day. When the ice cream you bought today is still there tonight. When you can take a long bath or good nap without being disturbed because one of them found a really neat roly-poly bug.
Then along came the little surprise.
You know what a surprise is. It's something you didn't even know you wanted until you got it, and then you don't know how your life could be considered complete without it.
Our little surprise was born Oct. 23, and he is a treasure.
Until now, I had forgotten how sweet a baby is, and I never knew the sweetness of a baby boy. There is something special and unique about a boy baby's relationship with his mother. I hope it does not change too much as he gets older, but I know it will, just like the changes between my daughters and myself.
There are things that you are sure you will never forget, like the way a child smells after a bath, or the incredible look on his face when he finds out about ice cream. But you do forget.
You don't remember when a ceiling fan was a fascinating thing, or how reading a bedtime story can erase a lot of the bad that has happened in the world in a day.
These are things that I thought I knew, but am having to learn again.
I'm being taught by someone to whom I am a hero, Wonder Woman, super mom.
I'm remembering how much I loved that job a long time ago, and how much of it I took for granted at the time because I was too busy to appreciate it.
I can assure you I will not make those mistakes this time.
I can also assure you that this little boy is held far more than the 'experts' say is good for a child. I hold him while he sleeps when I get the chance. I let him sleep in the bed alongside of me so that I can touch him in the night, listen to his little sighs.
All too soon this baby boy will be going to school, playing sports, dating, going off to college. Or going off to someplace like Iraq where his mama can't protect him.
Did I get the great big message I was sent? You bet. I am no longer interested in going to a bigger town with a faster pace and more restaurants, bigger paycheck and larger paper.
Right here, right now suits me right down to the ground.
It is a good place to search for roly-polies.
Connie Nowlin is managing editor for the Atmore Advance. She may be reached at 368-2123 or by email at connie.nowlin@atmoreadvance.com