Consider the children when you go to the polls
Published 12:40 pm Monday, November 10, 2003
By By John Garrard My Turn
There are 9,270 reasons for the writing of this article. That, my friends, is the number of children in Escambia County. That is 24.1 percent of the county's population of 38,440, according to the 2000 Census. It is disturbing to know almost 21 percent of this county's population live below the poverty level.
Now for the meat of the coconut. I don't mind telling you my plans for voting "yes" on Dec. 9 (one month from today) for the funds that would be made available from the passage of the 10-mill ad valorem tax. This is so very important to help those 9,270 children I am interested in.
How will I vote on these educational items?