Nov. 17

Published 12:53 pm Monday, November 17, 2003

By Staff
Atmore Historical Society will meet at 7 p.m. in the meeting room of the Atmore Public Library. Mr. Jeff Ross, retired employee of the State of Alabama and local historian, will be the guest speaker. He will speak on the establishment of the boundary line between Spanish Florida and the United States and the Ellicott Stone Marker that was placed in 1799, north of Mobile on the 31st parallel.The meeting is open to the public.
Atmore Community Cancer Support Group will meet at 7 p.m. at the First Assembly of God on South Main St. Everyone is invited, and refreshments will be provided.
Nov. 20
Atmore Health Department will give flu shots to the general public. Available 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. All Medicare patients must bring Medicaid cards
A Business After Hours will be held from 5-6:30 p.m. at Alltel.
Nov. 22
20th annual Peterman Station days arts and crafts festival in Peterman, six miles north of Monroeville. For more information you may call Alice Chandler at 564-2260.
Nov. 23
Hospice South of Monroeville will sponsor a community wide "Time of Reflection, Remembrance, and Renewal" from 2-4 p.m. at the Monroeville Community House, 271 Park Drive, Monroeville. All are invited to join in the opportunity to honor their lost loved ones. Program includes music, speakers, fellowship, balloon release and refreshments.
Nov. 27
Trinity Episcopal Church will provide lunch for anyone in need. A hot, traditional Thanksgiving lunch will be served in Trinity's Parish Hall (203 S. Carney Street) between 11a.m. and 1 p.m. Take-outs will not be available.
Nov. 29
Eighth annual Hunter Appreciation Day in Pine Apple. Live entertainment and arts and craft vending beginning at 9 a.m. and parade at noon. Awards ceremony at 7 p.m. For more information or booth space you may call John Lampkin at 746-2139. or visit the Web site at
Dec. 4
Atmore Health Department will give flu shots to the general public. Available 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4 p.m. All Medicare patients must bring Medicaid cards.
Dec. 11
Woodmen of the World Lodges 1872 and 1892 will meet at 6:00 at the VFW building at 206 West Ashley St. This will be their annual Christmas Party, and members need to bring a dish to compliment ham. All members are invited to attend. Please RSVP Jettie Everette by Dec. 6 at 368-4986 with number in your family attending and what you will bring. All future meetings will be held the second Thursday night of each month at 6 p.m.
Dec. 13
Escambia County Historical Society Christmas party. Time and place to be announced.
Ongoing and Regular Events
Atmore Family Life Center at the old middle school on M. L. K. Ave. provides after school tutoring and a new technology program. Tutoring for exit exams is available. Kiddie Kafe, sponsored by the Bay Area Food Bank, will offer a light meal to children in the afternoon. Call 368-3761, 368-2946 or 446-1878 to register. First come, first served. Limited spaces. Funding provided through donations and grants. Program in partnership with the Poarch Creek Nation and Escambia County Board of Education.
Atmore Women's Club meets at 5:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month September through May at the public library. For more information you may call Ann Glaven at 368-3206.
Atmore cancer support group will meet at 7 p.m. every third Monday at Atmore First Assembly of God.
The Diabetic Support Group will meet every third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. in the Atmore Hospital Auditorium. For more information, call Louise Broyden at work at 368-6342 or at home at 368-2728.
After school craft time will be held at 3:30 p.m. the last Tuesday of each month at the Atmore Public Library, beginning Aug. 26.
Atmore VFW Post 7016 meets monthly on the first Monday of the month at 7 p.m. with the executive board meeting at 6 p.m. All VFW veterans are encouraged to attend. For information on the VFW, please call Commandeer Lee (Lavan) Martin at 368-8160 or Senior Vice Commander Joel Day at 368-5637.
Atmore Legion Post 90 meets monthly on the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. All Legionnaires are encouraged to attend. For information on the American Legion, please call Adjutant Lee (Lavan) Martin at 368-8160.
The American Legion hosts a Country &Western Dance every Saturday night at the Legion Hall for a $5 donation. Everyone is invited.
NAACP Branch 5027 holds monthly meetings on the first Wed. of every month at Gaines Chapel Church at 7 p.m. Everyone is invited. membership fee is $30 per year and dues are $5 per month.
After Baby Comes, a free support group for new moms with babies up to six months old, meets the third Thursday of each month from 10 a.m. until noon at Baptist Medical Park in Pensacola.

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