Emergency drill planning to begin
Published 5:24 pm Wednesday, January 17, 2007
By Staff
Letter to the Editor
The Escambia County Emergency Management Agency and the Poarch Creek Indians are in the process of beginning the planning of a countywide drill. The drill will test Escambia County's first responders' abilities to properly respond to a local disaster, whether natural or manmade.
The drill will take place in the March- April 2007 time frame. The drill will be conducted to meet Department of Homeland Security requirements and will be conducted by DHS guidelines. Lee Helms and Associates has been contracted to conduct the drill and handle the required reports.
Department of Homeland Security guidelines require the formation of a committee of "Trusted Agents" to plan and conduct the drill. You are asked to participate as a Trusted Agent. If you cannot participate of if you have someone on your staff that handles drills and training, please forward this information to them. It is very important to have good participation in this drill so that we can identify and shortfalls in our ability to protect our citizens.
The first planning meeting is scheduled for Jan. 18, 2007 at the Little Escambia Baptist Church in Flomaton. Little Escambia Baptist Church is located on Highway 113 approximately one quarter mile north of Highway 31. The meeting will begin at 1p.m. If you or your representative cannot attend the first meeting, please provide me with name and all contact information so that you can be notified of the subsequent meetings. If you have any questions, please contact me at 867-0232 or April Sells, Emergency Management Director for PCI, at 368-9136 ext. 2290.
To my knowledge, this will be the first large scale drill in Escambia County. Thank you for your assistance in making it a productive endeavor.
David Adams, Director, county EMA