Virginia Tech in our prayers

Published 11:23 pm Monday, April 23, 2007

By Staff
Our View
What happened Monday at Virginia Tech is astounding and tragic; a massacre that will be remembered for many decades to come.
How anyone could blatantly kill 32 innocent people is unimaginable. Those people were the 32 daughters or sons, brothers or sisters, mothers or fathers, grandsons or granddaughters, cousins or the best friend of someone.
It is not possible to think of how those who were victims of the horrific shootings felt as they saw Cho Seung-Hu enter their building firing two guns, killing people without even thinking twice about it, and for no reason at all besides selfishness and pure hatred.
Hopefully we will never have to feel what those victims were feeling, the shock and terror.
The only thing we can do for those family members is to pray, and pray hard. Their loss is tremendous and it is difficult for us to realize how much pain they are going through.
We also must pray that nothing this tragic ever happens again, affecting more innocent people and taking more lives.
The Atmore Advance staff is keeping the family members and friends of those who were killed in our thoughts and prayers and we hope that other citizens of Atmore will remember to do the same.

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