Thank you APD and 'Advance'
Published 6:54 am Wednesday, August 1, 2007
By Staff
Letter to the Editor
On Saturday, July 28 we held an organizational rally and ride to start a Christian Motorcycle group in Escambia County. Part of our ride brought us down Hwy. 21 into Atmore. At the intersection of 21 and 31 we were to turn left toward Brewton. With 28 motorcycles in our group, staying together at the red light was difficult, but thanks to two Atmore police officers we were able to do so. We had not called ahead to have traffic stopped, but the two officers took it upon themselves to help us out by holding up traffic for us to pass. I want to thank and commend them for their courtesy and a job well done.
I also want to thank The Atmore Advance for publicizing the ride and printing photos of the event.
Earl McKenzie