Letter to the Editor
Published 1:54 am Monday, April 14, 2008
By Staff
It is time for us to wake up, the war is not over
Fellow Americans, I hope you make the right decision for our country. This war hasn’t been won. War only brings problems and problems bring troubles that can lead to blood shed killings. War can cause famine and starvation, this war has raked this country. This is why things are so high. We live in the land of plenty and starvation is headed our way. We are talking about education, if this economy does not get straightened out they will parish before they can get an education.
In voting you better put the right person in the White House this time. Fighting will bring you down to nothing; you don’t want a President that will keep this war going. I don’t care whether he or she is a Democrat or Republican, your children are being killed young. You want to get a chance with them as a family. This war has taken a toll on us. We can’t stand these billions of dollars to be taken from the U.S. It is time for us to wake up.
Rev. R.J. Wingate