Spring Cleaning: Tom Byrne pool renovations to be just like new'
Published 3:51 pm Wednesday, March 21, 2001
Advance Managing Editor
As temperatures rise and flowers bloom, the City of Atmore is undergoing a special spring cleaning project that will help keep everyone cooler when summer arrives.
The pool at Tom Byrne Park is currently undergoing a large-scale renovation that should make the pool like new and ready for many years to come.
The primary focus of the project includes placing a new cement pad into the infrastructure of the pool and will be covered with a new pad. There will also be a new filtering system, benches placed under new shelters added on to a current structure at the park and several other general improvements. Don Whatley, superintendent of public works, said when the job is complete the pool will be just like new.
The project started at a city council meeting when the project was approved. Whatley said the support of Mayor Howard Shell and the city council has helped the project go smoothly.
This is the second pool project for the city in the past two years. Last spring, a pool at Houston Avery Park underwent the same procedure.
Whatley said the work at Tom Byrne is well overdue.
Work on the pool began in February. However, recent rains has slowed progress somewhat.